Ankara, 18 December 2020 – SDG Impact Accelerator (SDGia), a global accelerator launched by Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNDP in 2018, has opened its second global call for impact entrepreneurs to find innovative solutions for SDG-related complex development challenges. During the second SDGia program, startups will work on products and services in the field of financial inclusion in Bangladesh and digital agriculture in Uganda. Read More

United Nations Launches A Women Enterprise Recovery Fund

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), with support from the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO), the Government of Canada, and Visa Inc. have launched a ‘Women Enterprise Recovery Fund: Promoting and Upscaling Digital Solutions for Enhancing Women Enterprise Growth and Resilience’. Read More

Tina F. Jabeen, CPA is appointed as the first Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Startup Bangladesh Limited, ICT Division, Gov’t of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Tina F. Jabeen, CPA is appointed as the first Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Startup Bangladesh Limited, ICT Division, Gov’t of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. With this inaugural appointment, the ICT Division recognizes the opportunity to continue promoting talent and innovation within key sectors that advance Bangladesh’s vision for and position in a new global economy.

Startup Bangladesh Limited was incorporated in March 2020 as the first and only venture capital company sponsored by the Government of Bangladesh with a committed fund of taka 500 crore. The Company will invest in early seed thru growth stage companies directly, via co investments or as a fund-of-funds.  Prior to her appointment, Ms. Jabeen has served as the Investment Advisor to Startup Bangladesh – iDEA Project, ICT Division since 2017 where she spearheaded major strategy and technical initiatives of the Project. Formerly a Senior Director for PwC USA and Director of Finance and Tax for Horsley Bridge Partners, Ms. Jabeen brings decades of executive experience having held senior positions in prestigious global firms in the areas of financial due diligence, valuations, equity structures, cross border taxations and venture capital governance models.


“The Board is delighted to onboard Tina Jabeen as the founding Managing Director. Her extensive engagements with the startup community in Bangladesh, involvement in Government policy and program development for startups, intergovernmental relations and public-private partnership facilitations would contribute significantly to the success of the mission of Startup Bangladesh Ltd.”, said Chairman of the Board Mr. N. M. Zeaul Alam, PAA, Senior Secretary, ICT Division.

“Among all frontier markets, Bangladesh holds the most promising opportunity for venture capital and private equity investments. The country’s English speaking, tech-savvy young population is ready for deployment. With its focus on financial inclusion, social equity and tolerance, and increasing access to technology, Bangladesh is positioned to become a stellar performer in achieving sustainable development goals. It is a monumental opportunity and a tremendous honor to be able to serve the Nation in this capacity”, said Ms. Tina F. Jabeen, Managing Director & CEO, Startup Bangladesh Ltd.

Startups in pandemic days: a tale of despair and dreams

It is the story of dreams and despair. Rise and fall. It is the story of anguish and cheer. For Bangladesh’s startups, all appear to be true.

The historic health crisis, shutdown of economic activities and subsequent downing of demand brought many startups to their knees, notably those focusing sectors such as travel, tourism and hospitality, ridesharing, electronics and automotive. Read More